Planning a Scavenger Hunt Proposal?

Planning a proposal can be a lot of work. I am here to help with the scavenger hunt part! Here, I will give you my most personal touches that can be added to make your scavenger hunt proposal super romantic and fun.

The goal of a scavenger hunt proposal is to also make it the most romantic scavenger hunt that you possible can.  I am sure you want your lover to feel extra special and loved by you the entirety of the hunt or even all throughout the day. 

Proposal with Ring

We will go over

  • Picking the perfect spots to send your lover to
  • Picking the perfect area to propose
  • Setting up the perfect day
  • Including friends and family
  • Adding love notes to each of your chosen areas
  • Adding pictures and memories to each clue note
  • Getting your partner prepared and in clothes they would want for a proposal
  • Sending them some where to get their nails or hair done or get an outfit
  • Sending them to places they love
  • Buying premade scavenger hunts that can save you precious time.

Where do you want the proposal to take place?

First, let's start with where you want your proposal to take place.  Starting with the end in mind let's us know where we are heading as we prepare all the other details of the hunt.


Do you want the proposal to be in your home?  Or maybe you want it to be where you two first met.  Maybe you want it to be some where that you have gathered all your friends and family to witness the proposal.  

Pick an area for your proposal that will be romantic to both of you.

I will outline how to pick clue areas that mean something to your lover or to both of you in the next section.  But this last area that you are going to propose at does not have to meet any of that criteria. 

You are creating a new memory by proposing that they will remember and talked about for years to come.

Where do you want to send your lover during your scavenger hunt proposal?

Do you already have some ideas on where you want to send your lover for your scavenger hunt proposal but need some help adding some other areas? Or maybe you have no idea where to start and where to send your lover for your epic romantic scavenger hunt.  Either way, this is the section for you.

For you scavenger hunt proposal you want your lover to know how special they are to you. That you have paid attention to the things that they like and love.  You know what brings them enjoyment and you want to bring more of that to their life.  You also want your lover to know that the memories and experiences you have had together matter to you.  You want them to know that they make your life better by being in it.

Picking scavenger hunt clue areas that are attached to memories you have with them

Do you have any special memories with your partner that made you feel extra loving towards them?  Where did these memories happen?  You can go through each room of your home and see what memories are attached there

Couple Cooking Together
  • Cooking together in the kitchen
  • Making love some where unusual in your home
  • Where you make love usually
  • Where you share meals together
  • Some where in your home that they made you laugh
  • Their favorite place or places in your home
  • Where you two spend the time together
  • Do they have any hobbies that they love (craft area, gaming area)
Couple Eating Ice Cream

Now, let's look at places outside of your home

  • Where did you both first meet
  • Do you both have a favorite restaurant 
  • What places do you both love to go to together
  • What places does your partner really love to go to

Adding special touches to make your scavenger hunt proposal super romantic.

champagne and ring

Having friends and family involved

If you are planning to add friends or family to your engagement party.  You can have people meet your lover at the different places you send them if you are sending them around town.

You can also have a friend of theirs escort them around town to the different areas and give your scavenger hunt clues or notes to that friend to give to them at the end of each task or place.

Prepare your partner so they can dress as they would want to look for a proposal

Your lover will probably want to look their best when you propose to them.  You can add in one of your notes to dress in something that makes them feel good or feel like the prince or princess they are. You can also do things like. 

  • Buy them an outfit that you know they would love 
  • Send them to get an outfit and make sure you pay for it with money you give them through the note, or through a friend or family member
  • Send them to get a manicure or pedicure 
  • Send them to get their hair done

What ever you choose, give your partner the opportunity to dress as they would want to for a proposal.  Especially, if you have gotten friends and family involved.

Setting the Tone

Setting up a romantic tone to your scavenger hunt proposal will help set the mood for yourself and your lover.  You might want to 

  • Incense
  • Candles
  • Flowers
  • Flower Petals
  • Chocolate
  • Favorite foods you both like to eat before and after sex

Making the scavenger hunt proposal clues

Clue Letters

Scavenger hunt proposal clues will be different then any other type of clue mentioned on my site.  You can still use rhyming riddles and you can still use secret coded clues but I believe the best type of clue for romantic hunt are personal letters from the heart.

If you want to use more general and well known love letters and quotes you can visit my romantic scavenger hunt clue page by click here.

On each clue, I would write out the memory of why this area is important and what special memories have been made there and why it made you love them more. 

For example, if I were to send my lover to our bedroom, I would write out a letter that said 

Your next clue is where we first made love. I cherish our connection and love every minute I spend with you. I love our deep connection and sharing with you what I will never share with anyone else. 

Adding picture to your scavenger hunt proposal clues

Couple laughing

If you have any pictures that are attached to any or all of the clue areas, I would attach them to each letter.  This gives your hunt an even special touch as the memory will flood back to them through your words and through the picture.  This also gives you the opportunity to reminisce about all the good times you have had with them and get you in an extra loving mood to write your epic proposal clues.

Final check list for your scavenger hunt proposal.

I hope you are now prepared for your scavenger hunt proposal.  You can write down this check list and write out the answers to get organized.

  1. Where am I proposing?
  2. What areas can I send my lover to that hold special memories? 
  3. What can I do for my lover to make the day extra special (manicure, Starbucks, etc)
  4. Who am I having involved in the proposal?
  5. What can I do to set a romantic tone?

And don't forget to let us know how your proposal went!

Buy a premade Romantic Scavenger Hunt

I have premade scavenger hunts in my Etsy store. They are instant downloads and can be printed immediately after purchase.  This is such a convenient way to save you lots of time creating these hunts as they do take a significant amount of time.

These premade hunts leave you with the important part of the your romantic evening.  Making each clue area extra special, adding special presents and details, and setting a romantic tone for your evening with your partner.

If you would like to browse my Etsy store click here.  Also, if you have a romantic scavenger hunt idea that I don't already have made, feel free to contact me and if I can I will be happy to create it!

Valentines Day Scavenger Hunt Icon

Valentines Day scavenger hunt ideas for you to create the most epic hunt for your loved one.

If you are looking for the perfect Valentines day scavenger hunt for your loved one whether it be a child, friend, coworker or partner - You have come to the right place!

Romantic Scavenger Hunt Icon

Create a Romantic Scavenger Hunt for your Lover

Create a super romantic scavenger hunt for your lover to make them feel loved and cherished

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Making the world a happier place one game at a time.

I am on a mission to help you create or find the most epic scavenger hunts to bring smiles to your friends, family or coworkers.  I find that scavenger hunts make any occasion or holiday more exciting.  Together we can make the world a happier place one scavenger hunt at a time! If you want to learn more about me visit my about me page here.